Monthly Uptime Statistics – April 2018
Overall uptime for the month of Apri 2018 was 99.997%. 11 of 13 servers had 100% uptime.
DetailsOverall uptime for the month of Apri 2018 was 99.997%. 11 of 13 servers had 100% uptime.
DetailsOverall uptime for the month of March 2018 was 99.999%. 12 of 13 servers had 100% uptime.
DetailsOverall uptime for the month of February 2018 was 100%. 12 of 12 servers had 100% uptime.
DetailsOverall uptime for the month of Janruary 2018 was 99.975%. 9 of 12 servers had 100% uptime.
DetailsOverall uptime for the month of December 2017 was 99.995%. 10 of 12 servers had 100% uptime.
DetailsOverall uptime for the month of November 2017 was 99.922%. 1 of 14 servers had 100% uptime.
DetailsJoomla! 3.8.2 has been released. This release addresses three security vulnerabilities and several bug fixes.
DetailsOverall uptime for the month of October 2017 was 99.999%. 17 of 18 servers had 100% uptime.
DetailsOverall uptime for the month of September 2017 was 99.998%. 17 of 18 servers had 100% uptime.
DetailsMagento has released nvew verison of Magento Open Source (formerly Community Edtion) and Magento Commerce (formerly Enterprise Edition) to patch various security issues: Magento Open Source and Magento Commerce 2.1.9 Magento Open Source and Magento Commerce 2.0.16 Magento Commerce Magento Open Source SUPEE-10266 (patch for earlier Magento 1.x versions)